Audible presents Show Me The Money, hosted by author Meghna Pant. The series is India’s first personal finance audio show that is specifically designed for your unique needs. In this show we teach you how you can get rich by not only growing your money but also spending it!
We bring you insider tips and secrets on how to manage your money, invest in smart assets, live in your dream home, make money in a downturn, and get the lifestyle that you deserve. And that’s not it! Take a peek into how celebrities manage their money. Learn how women can become financially independent. Check out how you can talk to your spouse about money. Get smart with your money and with your life. For it’s time to listen to the money advice that actually works. It’s time to Show Me The Money!
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on this show are personal to the individuals appearing in the show, and not those of Audible. This show is not a substitute for financial advice from professionals. Investments are subject to market risk, listener’s discretion is strongly advised. This show is not intended to defame any individual, entity, caste, community, race, or religion or to denigrate any institution or person, living or dead.