Simply BWWM

Simply BWWM

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Click "FOLLOW" if you'd like to be updated about our latest BWWM Romance releases. If you love to read romances featuring strong, beautiful African American heroines and the sexy white men that they meet then Simply BWWM is the place to be. Some of our authors include the talented Lena Skye, CJ Howard, Susan Westwood and many more. We cover all romance genres including billionaire romance, contemporary romance, paranormal romance, bad boy romance and more. As long as it has that added BWWM twist to it! Our authors are all bestsellers (or getting there) and every bit of support is needed to help us to keep going. Be sure to join the mailing list and regularly review our releases in order for us to keep giving you what you want! Peace, Love & High Heels Lena & The Simply BWWM Team

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