Zach Bussewitz

Zach Bussewitz

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Aloha, Are you searching for truth, meaning, love, higher understanding, and even enlightenment in life? You definitely are not alone! Spirituality or the seeking for higher understanding for life on Earth is at the very core and heart of what it is to be human. In a nutshell, this is a lifetime process of soul seeking, soul growth, and soul understanding. Our spiritual evolution, consciousness expansion, and living in higher love are the the singular purposes for life on earth. The great Ascended Masters (humans who once lived upon Earth) such as Yeshua Christ, Gautama Buddha, Quan Yin, and many more transcended "this world" by the very same processes of spiritual evolution that you and I are here to live, experience, and yes enlighten ourselves through. This universal understanding is at the core of their teachings and hence the very reason they were called to share their higher teachings with humanity. As a human, spiritual truth seeker, and author I have been guided to share some of their wisdom and love in a most simplified manner through which all people can unite with and easily understand. My recently published books "VIRTUES Transformation Through Christ" (an expanded universal consciousness version) and "VIRTUES Transformation With Chist" (a more traditional Christain version) along with my next book "VIRTUES Heart-Mind Transformation" all aim to the heart and soul of what it means to be a human living upon earth with the purpose of evolving our hearts and minds or "Heart-Minds" towards that of enlightenment, Christ Consciousness, Buddhahood, Moksha, etc. VIRTUES simply are transformative heart-mind thoughts, frequencies, and actions that positively transform ourselves and our lives from the inside out. Virtues are the foundational core and building blocks of what it takes to create not only change/betterment for ouselves but also for the change/betterment of humanity and Earth as a whole. Virtues are non-religious, non-judgemental, and non-dogmatic in principal. In my "interactive" guidebooks VIRTUES...readers may learn, change, grow and yes spiritually enlighten themselves simply by "practicing" virtuous thoughts, actions, and living while letting go of old negative patterns within themselves. Thoughts are Things make them Virtuous. In this process we truly can "Be the Virtuous Change We are Destined to Be in the World!" What would this world look like if we all lived from our highest, wise, and loving Virtuous Hearts and Minds? About Me: As stated on the back cover of my books I enjoy practicing "VIRTUES Transformation" in my daily life, work, and activities. I really enjoy contemplative conversations, writing, hiking in nature, meditation, learning, time with family and friends, and so much more of what people, nature, Earth, and all spiritual beings have to teach and share with one another. With that said, I am thankful/grateful for this unique experience that is life on Earth. I am thankful for being able to grow, mature, and evolve as a soul in Christ/Enlightenment. Dear Readers: Feel free to reach me at with any questions you might have along your journey of Virtue Transformation. Sincerely Thank You and Be Well, Zach

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