• Signs you Struggle with Self-Discipline (Part 3) - Cultivate a Winning Mindset by Embracing Self Improvement
    May 25 2024

    "Brian Wright is a combination of Marcus Lemonis from the Profit and the entire Shark Tank Team." Dr. Stacy Frankowitz

    Transform your life, career and/or business with global speaker and lead business consultant for Invisalign, Brian Wright. Take the journey to self-improvement and find ways to dominate every aspect of your life.

    Apologies are in order – your wait is finally over, and trust me, the latest insights we're unpacking are worth the delay! I, Brian Wright, am back at the mic to share the bustling life of an entrepreneur and how focusing on what's within your reach, rather than the distractions around you, can elevate your game. We're rounding off our self-discipline series by examining the psychological progression of focus – an asset that's far too valuable to squander. Whether it's the tenacity needed for weight loss or the endurance required to run a business, this episode is your roadmap to mastering focus and driving success.

    It's time to toss aside the outdated belief that formal education is the only path to prosperity. This conversation is a treasure chest of self-education gems, revealing how books and introspection could be your golden tickets. Hear me out on how your environment and your tribe can significantly shape your wealth trajectory. Plus, for the business owners tuning in, discover why nurturing your team and enhancing customer experiences isn't just sound advice – it's the cornerstone of smart marketing. Embark on this journey with me to eliminate excuses, take ownership of growth, and cultivate a culture of perpetual betterment for magnified achievements.

    Wrapping things up, our call to action extends to the entrepreneurial minds managing their practices, from orthodontists to doctors, to dissect sales, marketing, and customer service gems that can be applied to any sector. As we venture deeper into season seven, your engagement is the fuel that propels this show forward. I urge you to connect with us on YouTube, share your thoughts, and sprinkle some five-star love our way on iTunes. Your support and patience have been our backbone, and for that, a heartfelt thank you. Until next time, keep thriving and keep tuning in!

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    23 mins
  • Signs you Struggle with Self-Discipline (Part 2) - Overcoming Lack of Vision to Turn Aspirations into Action
    Feb 14 2024

    Wanting to get more out of your life, career and/or business? Wanting to improve your business culture through better leadership? Want to increase new customers, referrals and revenue? Want to decrease stress, chaos and advertising expenses? If you answered yes to any of the above, you have come to the right place.

    Welcome to The Brian Wright Show, a podcast dedicated to entrepreneurs, business owners, their team members and all their families. Brian Wright is the lead business consultant and global speaker for AlignTechnology, the Makers of Invisalign and many others across the globe. He specializes in growing businesses by improving leadership, culture,

    This episode will dive into all of the following: Culture, leadership, sales, new customers, customer experience, entrepreneur mindset, business owner success, marketing, increasing revenue, motivation, online marketing.

    Today's episode:

    Unlock the secret to unwavering self-discipline and harness the power of a clear vision with me, Brian Wright, in an episode that promises to transform the way you tackle your goals. We're not just chatting about the struggle against procrastination; we're celebrating your victories, big and small, following our previous discussions. Hear how listeners like you have taken bold steps to address challenges in their lives and careers, and let their stories ignite the same fire in you.

    Embark on a journey to craft your personal vision statement, an indispensable compass that guides you through the tumult of life's decisions. As you learn to articulate your deepest values and aspirations, you'll find clarity in chaos and strength to overcome fears and weaknesses. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or someone yearning for personal growth, discover the tools to build a foundation for sustainable success and the courage to align your actions with your true purpose.

    Before we part ways, remember that your vision is not merely a dream, but a tactical map for everyday choices. As we explore strategies to achieve peak mental and physical states, consider how reframing competition as a personal benchmark can drive your continual improvement. Share this episode with the visionaries in your life, and together, let's forge pathways to our most fulfilling lives and careers. Keep tuning in, keep evolving, and let's make our visions reality.

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    30 mins
  • Signs you Struggle with Self-Discipline (Part 1) - Learning to Conquer Procrastination
    Feb 7 2024

    Wanting to improve your business culture through better leadership? Want to increase new customers, referrals and revenue? Want to decrease stress, chaos and advertising expenses? Looking to get more out of life and/or your career? If you answered yes to any of the above, you have come to the right place.

    Welcome to The Brian Wright Show, a podcast dedicated to entrepreneurs, business owners, their team members and all their families. Brian Wright is the lead business consultant and global speaker for AlignTechnology, the Makers of Invisalign and many others across the globe. He specializes in growing businesses by improving leadership, culture,

    This episode will dive into all of the following: Culture, leadership, sales, new customers, customer experience, entrepreneur mindset, business owner success, marketing, increasing revenue, motivation, online marketing.

    Today's Podcast Episode:

    Are you ready to conquer the beast of procrastination and cultivate the steel of discipline within? Prepare for a transformative journey on the Brian Wright Show, where we're launching a ten-part series to arm you with the tools to make quick, decisive moves that sculpt your personal and entrepreneurial success. This is where the rubber meets the road—from tackling the hesitation that sabotages your financial vigilance to addressing relationship rifts that echo into your business. I'm pulling back the curtain on the psychological showdown between action and avoidance, laying out the strategies that can pivot anxiety into achievement.

    Join me as we stare down the destructive effects of procrastination and chart a course towards unstoppable discipline. You'll hear about the times I've grappled with the reluctance to check my own bank balance and how that fear can be unfounded—a parallel that anyone with a pulse and a plan can relate to. But it's not just about the anecdotes; it's a deep dive into the four stages of psychological focus that are the bedrock of progress. Together, we'll face the tasks we've put on the back burner and ignite a clarity of focus that transforms our health, relationships, and careers. Let's break the chains of delay and step into a future punctuated by the power of decisive action.

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    16 mins
  • Discipline vs. Motivation - The Four Stages of Psychological Focus
    Feb 6 2024

    Wanting to improve your business culture through better leadership? Want to increase new customers, referrals and revenue? Want to decrease stress, chaos and advertising expenses? If you answered yes, you have come to the right place.

    Welcome to The Brian Wright Show, a podcast dedicated to entrepreneurs, business owners, their team members and all their families. Brian Wright is the lead business consultant and global speaker for AlignTechnology, the Makers of Invisalign and many others across the globe. He specializes in growing businesses by improving leadership, culture,

    This episode will dive into all of the following: Culture, leadership, sales, new customers, customer experience, entrepreneur mindset, business owner success, marketing, increasing revenue, motivation, online marketing.

    Are fleeting bursts of inspiration truly the pillars of success? Prepare to be enlightened as we dissect the essence of true achievement—unwavering discipline over unpredictable motivation. Today's episode peels back the layers of psychological focus, revealing four critical stages that can transform the driven entrepreneur or anyone poised for personal growth into a paragon of success amidst life's tumult. Role-playing isn't just for actors; it's a strategy we unveil for mastering the art of disciplined focus, ensuring the insights shared here are not only absorbed but activated in your daily pursuit of greatness.

    As distractions multiply like digital rabbits, we arm you with the tools to maintain a laser-like focus on your long-term aspirations. We dissect common excuses that often camouflage our fears—revealing them as mere shadows that dissipate under the bright light of disciplined action. From the agility of decisive entrepreneurs to the power of reinvested customer relations, this episode is a treasure trove of strategies for those ready to cast aside hesitation and weave the fabric of their own destiny. Learn how to dismantle psychological barriers and sculpt a life of purposeful decisions with us, as success is not a privilege of circumstance but a conquest of disciplined focus.

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    32 mins
  • The Worst Complaint your Business Can Receive and How to Use it to Improve Sales, Revenue and Customer Experiences
    Feb 6 2024

    Wanting to improve your business culture through better leadership? Want to increase new customers, referrals and revenue? Want to decrease stress, chaos and advertising expenses? If you answered yes, you have come to the right place.

    Welcome to The Brian Wright Show, a podcast dedicated to entrepreneurs, business owners, their team members and all their families. Brian Wright is the lead business consultant and global speaker for AlignTechnology, the Makers of Invisalign and many others across the globe. He specializes in growing businesses by improving leadership, culture,

    This episode will dive into all of the following: Culture, leadership, sales, new customers, customer experience, entrepreneur mindset, business owner success, marketing, increasing revenue, motivation, online marketing.

    Today's description:

    Imagine unlocking the secret to not only dodging the worst complaints your business could face but turning them into five-star reviews and glowing video testimonials. That's the goldmine we're exploring today, with insights into how such a proactive stance not only shields your reputation but also turbocharges your digital marketing across platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. Our candid discussion pulls back the curtain on creating a company culture that breathes customer satisfaction, and we dive into the art of transforming potential negatives into brand-building positives. With the help of an inspiring talk at the recent OrthoFi event in Denver, we bring personal experiences and audience connections to the fore, giving you an inside look at the powerful impact of engaging directly with your community.

    This episode is a masterclass in amplifying your business's success by leveraging the unsung power of unspoken customer complaints. We share the infinite mindset required by CEOs and business owners to pre-empt issues and foster a loyal fan base that does more than buy—they promote. From the nuanced dance of in-person customer interactions to the digital waltz of website user experience, we cover it all, ensuring you're equipped to craft a journey for your customers that's seamless, satisfying, and share-worthy. Tune in as we dissect the strategies that can lead to a thriving community of supporters who’ll champion your brand at every turn, providing an authentic sales force that money can't buy.

    This episode will dive into all of the following: sales, increasing new customers, customer experience, entrepreneur mindset, business owner success, marketing, increasing revenue, motivation, online marketing.

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    29 mins
  • Creating Superfans and Skyrocketing Sales: Revolutionizing Customer Service for Remarkable Growth
    Jan 30 2024

    Wanting to increase new customers, referrals and revenue, while decreasing advertising costs? If you answered yes, you have come to the right place. Our host teaches sales through experience all over the world and is a trusted speaker for Invisalign and many others. The Brian Wright Show is dedicated to entrepreneurs, their employees and their families.

    Today's description:

    Ready to transform your passersby into die-hard fans? Buckle up as we unleash the secrets to maximizing sales and creating a culture that breeds success. Fresh from my electrifying session with the Invisalign team in Fort Lauderdale, I'm brimming with actionable tactics that will reshape your approach to customer engagement. Get a front-row seat to learn about the pivotal, yet often misunderstood business concept that will skyrocket you past the competition. We'll unwrap the essential trio: company culture, comprehensive training, and razor-sharp digital marketing strategies—your toolkit for etching your brand into the industry's hall of fame. Plus, I salute the inaugural attendees at the Lodge and Flying Horse in Colorado Springs for their mastery in exercises that set them up to dominate their sectors.

    Step into a world where hospitality and customer service are not just about meeting needs; they're about crafting experiences that linger long after the transaction. Our discussion traverses the halls of the Ritz-Carlton to the magic of Disney, pulling back the curtain on what truly sets apart the eminent from the average. We dissect how internal upgrades in leadership, innovation, and employee education can slash your advertising budget, all while triggering organic growth and a formidable referral network. The episode is your gateway to mastering the nuances of customer service that will not just impress but will also cement your business as an industry titan. So, let's embark on this journey together, and I promise, you'll walk away armed with the strategies to leave your competitors in the dust and your customers clamoring for more.

    Unlock the secrets to transforming mere customers into die-hard fans and learn why a rockstar internal culture is your ticket to sky-high sales and organic growth. On the latest Brian Wright audio experience, I take you behind the scenes of my illuminating session with the Invisalign team and gear up for an electrifying talk in Denver that will unleash the business titan within you. We're tearing down the barriers of misunderstood business jargon and laying out the blueprint for a company that shines without the crutch of traditional advertising. Dive into the potent mix of exceptional customer service, magnetic digital marketing, and why the Ritz-Carlton's approach to hospitality is the gold standard for creating not just satisfied customers, but enthusiastic brand advocates.

    Ready to redefine the game of customer service and watch your brand ascend to legendary status? This episode is a treasure trove of strategies for crafting an experience that doesn't just meet expectations but blows them out of the water. I'm revealing how the right blend of heartfelt welcomes, personalized tours, and tactful upselling can make your sales soar while cutting costs. We're also spotlighting the monumental impact of happy, well-treated employees on your bottom line. No matter the economic weather, these insights will help you build a resilient, flourishing business that leaves customers not just content, but utterly wowed—and coming back for more.

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    28 mins
  • Exposing the Great Business Myth: Cultivating Customer Loyalty as Your Ultimate Growth Engine
    Jan 16 2024

    Ever been fed a line about the end-all secret to business success? Spoiler alert: it's not what you think. On the Brian Wright Show, we're spinning the narrative, peeling back the layers of what really powers companies to thrive. This episode is a treasure trove for anyone seeking to enhance their business savvy, with a heavy emphasis on the unsung hero of growth—customer loyalty. Join us as we dissect the misplaced obsession with advertising and refocus on the goldmine of fostering existing relationships. It's a candid take on what it truly takes to build a referral culture and leverage the might of word-of-mouth marketing.

    Let me regale you with tales of how the devil is in the details—those often overlooked elements that can rocket your business to stardom or sink it like a stone. I'll be sharing insights on why it's critical to finesse the finer points, from presentation to service, and how they can radically improve your sales and customer retention. Expect to hear a juicy analysis about the fall of giants like Blockbuster, and a personal experience that left me reeling, yet rich with lessons. This is your front-row seat to understanding the pivotal role of exceeding customer expectations and why it can be your ace in the hole.

    As we gear up to say goodbye to this installment, I'm serving up a preview of the delectable stories and strategies lined up for future episodes. The journey we're on isn't just about building businesses; it's about crafting legacies. So, here's to a wealthy year ahead, filled with episodes that will challenge, inspire, and equip you with the wisdom to play the long game in business and life. Remember, the next big thing isn't always where you expect to find it. Stay tuned, folks, and may your endeavors be as fruitful as they are fulfilling.

    About the Host:
    Brian Wright is a trusted speaker for Invisalign and is followed by entrepreneurs across the globe for his innovative ways of growing businesses.

    This podcast is dedicated to entrepreneurs, their families and the employees that work for them.

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    31 mins
  • Welcome to 2024 - The Year you Fired Yourself
    Jan 1 2024

    Welcome to 2024, and what better way to start the year than exploring the nuances of leadership and entrepreneurship? Let's kick off with a heartening catch-up with Preston, my flight instructor. The parallels between aviation preparedness and business acumen are striking, and in our exchange, Preston's insights on handling in-flight stalls reveal the essence of adaptability—a quality equally vital in the corporate sphere. This conversation sets the stage for a deep dive into the importance of strong leadership, particularly during economic downturns, and the transformative power of a positive company culture.

    The reception desk is more than just the front line; it's a pivotal sales driver. This episode unpacks the often-overlooked value receptionists bring to the table in cultivating business growth. As we gear up for my speaking engagement at the MPG Iconic event, I'm charged to provide entrepreneurs with actionable strategies to outshine the competition. But it's not all business and strategy; we also analyze customer experience through the lens of the restaurant industry. Discover how the subtlest gestures can turn casual diners into loyal advocates and why the art of creating an unforgettable experience is paramount.

    Wrapping up, we shift focus inward. The real competition is often within our own walls, not outside. By fostering consistent improvement and emphasizing our unique value proposition, we can build a thriving brand. I draw on lessons from athletic discipline to demonstrate the importance of regular training and practice in enhancing our teams and service delivery. So, as we embark on this year's journey together, let's embrace every customer interaction as an opportunity to reinforce our brand and pave the way for a prosperous future. Here's to a year of growth, leadership, and exceptional customer experiences!

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    51 mins