• Arabic Lesson: S2E1: Poem: Fakkir b ghairek (Think of others) by Ma7moud Darwish
    Jun 15 2024

    Modern Standard Arabic (Fus7a) vs Spoken Arabic (Palestinian Dialect)

    Don't forget to subscribe and follow for more stories in Arabic. If you find this useful and would like to support this podcast, feel free to buy me a coffee here, https://buymeacoffee.com/theshamsway


    You prepare: anta tu3eddu (Fus7a) vs inta bit7addir (spoken Arabic)

    Fuel: qout

    Food: akil

    To go through or forge: 5ood

    To fight: qaatil

    To request or ask for: Itlob

    They request: yatloboona (Fus7a) vs byitlobu (spoken Arabic)

    To pay: Saddid/ idfa3 (spoken Arabic)

    Anta tusaddidu (Fus7a) vs inta bitsaddid/ inta btidfa3 (spoken Arabic)

    To breasfeed (refering to a baby): irda3

    To nurse (refering to a mother): raddi3

    A cloud: ghaima, clouds: ghyoum/ ghamaam

    To return/ come back: 3od (Fus7a) vs irja3 (spoken Arabic)

    You return: anta ta3oudu (Fus7a) vs inta btirja3 (spoken Arabic)

    Returning: 3aa2ideen (Fus7a) vs raaj3een (spoken Arabic)

    A refugee camp: Mu5ayyam, refugee camps: Mu5ayyamaat

    A tent: 5aima, tents: 5iyaam

    To count: i7si (Fus7a) vs 3edd (spoken Arabic)

    You count: anta tu7si (Fus7a) vs inta bit3edd (spoken Arabic)

    A planet: kawkab, planets: Kawaakeb

    A dream: Manaam/ 7elem

    A space or a place: 7ayyizan (Fus7a) vs makaan (spoken Arabic)

    To liberate: 7arrir

    Liberation: Ta7reer

    Metaphors: Isti3aaraat

    To lose: ifqed (Fus7a) vs i5sar (spoken Arabic)

    They lost: Faqadu (Fus7a) vs 5isru (spoken Arabic)

    Talk/Speech: Kalaam

    Yourself (m): Nafsak

    A candle: Sham3a, candles: Sham3aat

    Darkness: Thalaam


    #1 :

    Wa anta tu3eddu futooraka, fakkir b ghairek

    While you prepare your breakfast, think of other than you


    La tansa qouta el 7amaam

    Don’t forget the food of the pigeons


    Wa anta ta5oudu 7uroobaka, fakkir b ghairek

    While you fight your wars, think of other than you


    La tansa man yatlobouna el salaam

    Don’t forget those who ask for peace


    Wa anta tusaddidu faatourata el maa2, fakkir b ghairek

    While you pay the water bill, think of other than you


    Man yarda3ouna el ghamaam

    Those who breastfeed on clouds


    Wa anta ta3oudu ila el bait, baiteka, fakkir b ghaireka

    While you go back home, your home, think of other than you


    La tansa sha3ba el 5iyaam

    Don’t forget the people/ nation of tents


    Wa anta tanaamu wa tu7si el kawaakiba, fakkir b ghaireka

    While you sleep and count the planets, think of other than you


    Thammata man lam yajid 7ayyizan lilmanaam

    There are those who didn’t find a place/ a space to sleep/ dream


    Wa anta tu7arriru nafsak bil isti3aaraat, fakkir b ghaireka

    While you liberate yourself with metaphors, think of other than you


    Man faqadou 7aqqahum fil kalaam

    Those who have lost their right- to speak/ in speech


    Wa anta tufakkiru bil aa5areena el ba3eedeen, fakkir bi nafsika

    While you think of the others who are far from you, think of yourself


    Qul: laitani sham3atun fil thalaam

    Say: I wish I was a candle in the darkness

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    13 mins
  • Arabic Stories: S1E15: El Shamaal el Baared (The Cold North)
    Jun 8 2024

    Our story today is about Malak and her husband Ameer who moved to a Hazelnut village up in the north and have been living there for two years.

    Told in both the present and the past tense.

    Ending our first season with a snippet from an Egyptian classic (Gana el Hawa) - Love has come our way, by the popular legend 3abdel 7aleem 7aafez.

    To support the creation of these stories, you can buy me a coffee here: https://buymeacoffee.com/theshamsway Don't forget to follow and subscribe for more stories in Arabic.

    Here is your vocab for the story:

    Weather- jaou

    Rarely- naaderan ma

    Most days- mo3zam el ayyaam

    She got used to- it3awwadat

    Her husband- zowjha

    They moved- na2alu

    Loneliness- we7da

    She misses- btishtaa2

    With the passing of- ma3 marr

    Famous- mash.hoora

    Harvest- 7asaad

    Hazelnut- bunduq

    They pick out- beyla2tu

    A part of- juzu2 min

    Remaining or rest- baa2i

    The favorite nuts- el mukassaraat el mufaddala

    Cats- 2itat

    They visit her- beyzoorooha

    She gives them- bte3teehum

    She gets to know- btit3arraf 3a

    I guess- ana bazunn

    Especially- 5usoosan

    They collect- beyjam3u

    Firewood- 7atab

    System- nizaam

    Natural gas- ghaaz tabee3i

    Her previous life- 7ayaat.ha el saabqa

    The moment- el la7za

    About herself- 3an nafesha

    See you next Saturday for our first episode of the second season.

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    13 mins
  • Arabic Stories: S1E14: Debs el 3inab (Grape Molasses)
    Jun 4 2024

    Our story today is about when my cousin, Rana and I walked in on our mums and the rest of our aunts all gathered in the kitchen stomping on grapes. Told in the past tense.

    Ending the story with a snippet from a Palestinian folk song (Yomma Mwel el Hawa) - Oh Mother, what is with the wind. Performed by Mon3em 3adwaan, a Palestinian singer and composer from Rafa7 in Ghazza.

    Don't forget to subscribe and follow for more stories in Arabic. If you find this useful and would like to support this podcast, feel free to buy me a coffee here, https://buymeacoffee.com/theshamsway

    Here is your vocab for the story:

    Season- mawsem

    Bowls- jataat

    Jam- emrabba

    Apricot- mishmish

    Pear- injaas

    Some of them- ba3dh-hum

    It boils- byighli

    On the stove (on the fire)- 3al naar

    It cools down- byibrod

    On a side- 3a taraf

    She squeezes it- bte3suro

    Her feet- ijreeha

    Come (imperative f) - ta3aali

    Clean up (imperative f) – nadfi

    It’s made- byin3amal

    Peaches- durraa2

    Apples- tuffaa7

    White mulberry- toot abyad

    We climbed- itsallaqna

    We picked- la22atna

    Allowed for us- masmoo7elna

    In spite of- birrughum min

    Vile/ despicable- 7aqeer

    Simple- baseeta

    Determined- 3azeema

    Sense- 7iss

    Spirit- roo7

    Community/Society- mujtam3

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    10 mins
  • Arabic Stories: S1E13: Shady wil ba7er (Shady and the Sea)
    Jun 1 2024

    Our story today is about a man named Shady, who upon seeing the arrival of the sun, plans to go on a trip with his friends to visit the sea. Not all his expectations are met though. Will he let that get to him or will he decide to enjoy his day with his friends anyway?

    Told in the present tense.

    Ending the story with a snippet from an old Egyption love song "ana ba3sha2 el ba7r"- I adore the sea, By Nagat Es-Sagheera.

    Don't forget to subscribe and follow for more stories in Arabic. If you find this useful and would like to support this podcast, feel free to buy me a coffee here, https://buymeacoffee.com/theshamsway Here is your vocab for the story:

    Coming up (adj) - taal3a

    He gets up- bey2oom

    Covering (adj) - emghatya

    He plans- bey5attit

    They agree- byittif2u

    They rent-byista2jiru

    South- janoob

    Beaches- shawaate2

    Sandy- ramliyya

    Cleaner- andaf

    Usually- 3aadatan

    He makes ready- beyjahhiz

    His supplies/ (what he needs) - lawaazmo

    Excited- mit7ammis/ mitshawwiq

    To get sun- itshammas

    They park- beysoffu

    Parking spots- mawaaqef

    Taken- ma25ooda

    It’s clear that- embayyin inno

    They pack the place- bey3abbu el makaan

    It lessens- bey2ill

    The count of- 3adad

    They throw- byirmu

    Garbage- zbaala

    They disrespect- maa byi7tirmu

    Expecting (adj) - mitwaqqe3

    He goes down- byinzil

    He swims- byisba7

    To get far from or away from- byib3id

    Gets caught in- byi3la2 b

    A wave- mowja

    They laugh too much or exaggerate- byifratu de7ek (an expression in Arabic that can compare with rofl)

    They pile up or gather- beylimmu

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    12 mins
  • Arabic Stories: S1E12: Leilet 7ennethum (Their Henna night)
    May 28 2024

    Today our story is about Fara7 and Karam. Two young Palestinians in Love who get married according to the Palestinian tradition in one of the many refugee camps all around our occupied Falasteen, but just before their wedding night, the Middle Eastern version of a bachelor party must be honored. We call it the 7enna night.

    Told in the past tense.

    Starting this episode with a snippet from a Tarweeda, a style of music performed traditionally by Palestinian women, and ending it with a snippet of anotherTarweeda. For Falasteen.

    Don't forget to subscribe and follow for more stories in Arabic. If you find this useful and would like to support this podcast, feel free to buy me a coffee here, https://buymeacoffee.com/theshamsway Here is your vocab for the story:

    Neighbors- jeeraan

    They liberate- ey7arriru

    “Ignorance does not birth Victory- el jahel ma beywallid naser”

    Pushed them- dafa3hum

    They graduate- yit5arraju

    They request- yitlobu

    Her hand- eedha

    Marriage- zawaaj

    She hesitated- itraddadat

    She was surprised- itfaaja2at

    She was made shy- 5ejlet

    Childhood- tufoola

    Preparations- ta7deeraat

    Wedding- 3urus

    They clothed her- labbasooha

    The traditional Palestinian dress- el thowb el Falastini el turaathi

    They sang to her- ghannoulha

    They shaved his beard- 7ala2oolu da2no

    They cut his hair- 2assoulu sha3ro

    They bathed him- 7ammamooh

    A tray- seeniyya

    Desserts- 7alawiyyaat

    Types/ kinds- anwaa3

    Ululates- zaghareet

    Right hand- el eed el yameen

    She closed- sakkarat

    She distributed- wazza3at

    She painted- rasamat

    They slaughtered- daba7u

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    12 mins
  • Arabic Stories: S1E11: Mughaamaraat el Leil (Adventures of the night)
    May 25 2024

    Our story today is about a woman named Layla who wakes up and finds herself in an amusement park surrounded by colors, sounds of music and people. Told in the present tense.

    Ending with a snippet from a Tarab classic "Al Laylu Ya Layla" by the Frank Sinatra of the Middle East, the Lebanese singer, Oud player, and composer, Wadi3 el Safi.

    Don't forget to subscribe and follow for more stories in Arabic. If you find this useful and would like to support this podcast, feel free to buy me a coffee here, https://buymeacoffee.com/theshamsway Here is your vocab for the story:

    To find- laa2i

    Amusement park- 7adee2et malaahi

    Lights- adwaa2

    To find something strange or be surprised- istaghreb

    To arrive- iwsal

    Between- beyn

    Suddenly- faj2a

    To sing- ghanni

    To chase- il7a2

    Color- lown (plural: alwaan)

    Moving (adj)- muta7arrika

    Sky- sama

    Around her- 7awaleeha

    To notice- laa7iz

    Purple- banafsaji

    Blue- azra2

    Dark- ghaame2

    Orange- burtuqaali

    Integrated- mendimej

    Red- a7mar

    Warm- daafy

    It changes- byitghayyar

    To disappear- i5tifi

    To appear- izhar

    Giant- 3imlaaq

    Heavy- t2eel

    Black- souda

    To swallow- ibla3

    Glamorous- barraaqa

    To explore- istakshif

    Mysterious- ghaamed

    Existing- maoujoud

    Courage/ boldness- jur2a

    Buried- madfoona

    Inside her- juwwaatha

    And just like- ou zay ma

    Journey/ trip- ri7la

    Real world- 3aalam el waaqe3

    To wash- ighsil

    Clothes- awaa3i

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    10 mins
  • Arabic Stories: S1E10: Ta7t el qmaasha el beida (Underneath the white cloth)
    May 21 2024

    Our story today is about a memory I have of my cousin Bisan in Palestine who at the time was in her third year studying Medicine.

    Told in the past tense.

    Ending the story with a snippet from another Palestinian folk song "Ya zaare3een el semsem"- Oh you sesame growers, performed by the Palestinian group of folklore arts, el funoon el sha3biyya. Don't forget to subscribe and follow for more stories in Arabic. If you find this useful and would like to support this podcast, feel free to buy me a coffee here, https://buymeacoffee.com/theshamsway Here is your vocab for the story:

    The daughter of my mother’s sister (cousin)- Bint 5aalti

    To study- idros

    Medicine- tebb

    University- Jaam3a

    It lasted- daamat

    Graduated- it5arrajat

    Success- Najaa7

    Summer (adj)- Sayfiyya

    Aunts- 5aalaat

    House (in Palestinian)- Daar

    Laughter- De7ek

    Soul- roo7

    To cook- itbo5

    To prepare- 7addir

    Feast- waleema

    Unforgettable- ma btintasa

    Face- wejeh

    Ghost- shaba7

    Hall- qaa3a

    He lifted- rafa3

    Cadaver- jutha

    Was shocked- insadamat

    To leave- itrok

    To continue- kammil

    Clinic- 3iyaada

    Soft- naa3ma

    Size- 7ajem

    Stronger- aqwa

    Will- iraada

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    9 mins
  • Arabic stories: S1E9: B3eeda 3an el 5artoum (Faraway from Khartoum)
    May 18 2024

    Our story today is about a Sudanese teenage girl, named Taqwa who like many others in the Middle East was born in a country far away from her homeland, in the United Arab Emirates.

    Told in the present tense.

    Ending the story with a snippet from the Nubian-Sudanese voice of Sudan (Mohammed Wardi) singing his beautiful song- Sudfa ( a chance).

    Don't forget to subscribe and follow for more stories in Arabic. If you find this useful and would like to support this podcast, feel free to buy me a coffee here, https://buymeacoffee.com/theshamsway

    Here is your vocab for the story:

    A teenager- muraahiqa

    Her origin- asilha

    Capital city- 3aasima

    Residents- sukkaan

    To mix in with others- i5tilit

    The best (the most preferred) - el mufadalla

    To make someone laugh- da77ik

    To spend time- 2addi

    To have a walk- itmasha

    A seaside walking pavement- cornishe

    Songs- aghaani

    Official holiday- 3utla rasmiyya

    A traditional garment from the Nile Valley- jallaabiyya

    Mosque- jaame3

    To perform a prayer- salli

    Public- 3aamma

    Barbeque- mashaawi

    Coal- fa7em

    To have lunch- itghadda

    Swings- marajee7

    Slides- zu7lee2aat

    A picnic mat- 7aseera

    A novel- riwaaya

    Palm trees- na5laat

    Smell- ree7a

    Homeland- watan

    Heritage/ tradition- turaath

    High-school- thaanawiyya

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    9 mins