• 5 Ways to Lighten Your Mental Load with Just $100 A Week Pt. 2
    May 9 2024

    Ever felt like no matter how many productivity hacks or systems you try, your to-do list just keeps growing? Many of us struggle to manage the ever-growing demands of motherhood & find time for what truly lights us up inside.

    This episode has 5 practical ways to changing that narrative. Tune in for a practical, budget-friendly approach to outsourcing that doesn’t just cut costs—it cuts down on stress & mental load, too.

    To feel less overwhelmed and more in control, tune in to simplify the complex world of mom life together, making it a little less complicated and a lot more joyful.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

    • Need to free up $100 a week to afford these resources? Tune in to part 1 of this series where I teach you exactly how to set aside the extra cash so you can lighten the mental load guilt-free.

    • Want tips to manage the mental load more effectively? Check out this 3-part series designed to give you practical support in better understanding the sources of stress in your life as a mom & how to get your nervous system out of its constant stress state.

    • Can’t wait to bring calm into your life? Hop into the free Claim Your Calm challenge by clicking here.

    • Yohana: Tap into Yohana’s unlimited virtual-assistant support this month for just $49 with the code YoErin.

    • Home Chef: You’re already buying ingredients, spend an extra $35/week on your dinners to let Home Chef handle the planning & shopping. Get $35 off on me with code ErinC846.

    • Target Circle: This covers order pickup, same-day delivery & shipping expenses for a whole year—I’ve saved $125 in the past year, so it more than pays for itself!

    • Grocery Services from Amazon: Get unlimited free delivery, 30-minute pickup at Whole foods and access to 1-hour delivery windows for just $9.99/mo

    • CoPilot Money : I have reduced my monthly spending by nearly $2k every month with CoPilot! Get 2 months free with code NGQ3CY

    • Hearth Display: This is the best system—period—that has rallied my whole family & gotten all of us on the same page. Use code T533C613JFNH to save $40 off your Hearth.
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    27 mins
  • 5 Ways to Lighten Your Mental Load with Just $100 A Week Pt. 1
    May 4 2024

    Does the idea of outsourcing to ease your mom life feel out of reach? You're not alone. Many of us see delegating as a luxury we simply can't afford. But I’m here to help you because with a little creativity & intentionality, finding an extra $100 a week isn't just possible, it's achievable—without drastically altering your lifestyle.

    In this episode, I'm here to guide you through simple, insightful strategies to reevaluate your budget. We'll explore practical ways to cut back on unnecessary expenses; transforming them into resources that can significantly lighten your daily load without breaking the bank. Together, we can find the funds to make your life more manageable and enjoyable.

    Tune in for encouragement & actionable tips that will empower you to take control of your finances in a way that feels supportive and doable. Get ready to reclaim not just your budget, but your peace of mind & time, making motherhood a bit more manageable and a lot more fulfilling.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

    • Want tips to manage the mental load more effectively? Check out this 3-part series designed to give you practical support in better understanding the sources of stress in your life as a mom & how to get your nervous system out of its constant stress state.
    • Looking to create an approach to mom life that feels cohesive & supportive? Jump on the waitlist to be the first to hear about this personalized program once details are made available.
    • Can’t wait to bring calm into your life? Hop in to the free, 5-day Claim Your Calm challenge by clicking here.

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    28 mins
  • What You Need to Know to Start Managing the Mental Load Today | Unstuck & Unstoppable: Overcoming the Mental Load of Motherhood Pt.3
    Apr 24 2024

    In This Episode:

    Do you ever feel like the CEO, CFO & COO of your household—all at once? It's no surprise that the weight of this invisible labor leaves you feeling drained before the day even begins.

    We've all been there: managing the endless to-do list, feeling like we're just barely keeping up, and the exhaustion that follows isn't just tiring; it's unsustainable.

    In this episode, we tackle the mental load with a fresh perspective. You're not just going to hear about how to lighten your load; you're going to discover how to transform it into something manageable & less overwhelming. This isn't about quick fixes, but real, meaningful changes that bring lasting relief.

    Imagine ending your day feeling accomplished, with energy left to enjoy those precious moments with your family. That's what we're aiming for.

    We'll dive into understanding the roots of the mental load & practical ways to manage it better, so you can experience more focused and fulfilling days.

    You've felt the strain & know the stress it can bring. Now, let's step into a space where you find real relief and renewed joy in your daily life. I'm here with you, every step of the way, to make mom life not just manageable, but truly enjoyable.

    Let's dive in & redefine what it means to handle the complexities of modern motherhood—together.

    Related Links:

    • Want to join me in managing the stress of the daily grind? Join me for 5 days inside the free, Claim Your Calm challenge for daily audio check-in’s that share practical strategies to stop overwhelm in its tracks & bring a sense of calm to your days.

    • Tune in to Part 1 of this series: Is This What's Blocking Your Mental-Load Breakthrough? | Unstuck & Unstoppable: Overcoming the Mental Load of Motherhood Pt. 1

    • Tune in to Part 2 of this series: Tap Into These Quick, Calming Strategies When The Mental Load Is Too Hard To Handle | Unstuck & Unstoppable: Overcoming the Mental Load of Motherhood Pt.2

    • Craving a dose of simplicity in your hectic mom life? Subscribe to Everyday Ease—the free, weekly guide trusted by 2k+ moms for strategies that transform daily chaos into calm.

    Past Episodes Mentioned Today:

    • Episode 25: No Time? How to Shift Your Mindset + Reclaim Your Day
    • Episode 21: Unpacking Avoidance: Growing Awareness of Your Stress Patterns in Motherhood
    • Episode 22: How to Stop Overwhelm With These 5 Power Zones
    • Episode 14: How To Be A Better Mom In Just 10 Minutes
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    26 mins
  • Tap Into These Quick, Calming Strategies When The Mental Load Is Too Hard To Handle | Unstuck & Unstoppable: Overcoming the Mental Load of Motherhood Pt.2
    Apr 19 2024

    In This Episode:

    Feeling overwhelmed shouldn’t be a part of your job as mom—it's a signal from your nervous system reacting under stress. In this episode, we’re going to dive into what happens when daily responsibilities push us into survival mode, and more importantly, how you can intervene.

    You'll learn practical, in-the-moment strategies to calm your mind and shift towards a more relaxed state. Whether it's a hectic morning or a chaotic evening routine, I'll share straightforward steps and real-life examples to help you manage stress effectively. This episode is designed for you, with manageable & meaningful insights to ensure you walk away with tools to navigate your day with more ease & less tension. Join me & shift how you cope with the complexities of modern motherhood.

    Related Links:

    • Want to join me in managing the stress of the daily grind? Join me for 5 days inside the free, Claim Your Calm challenge for daily audio check-in’s that share practical strategies to stop overwhelm in its tracks & bring a sense of calm to your days.

    • Tune in to part one of this series: Is This What's Blocking Your Mental-Load Breakthrough? | Unstuck & Unstoppable: Overcoming the Mental Load of Motherhood Pt. 1

    • Craving a dose of simplicity in your hectic mom life? Subscribe to Everyday Ease—the free, weekly guide trusted by 2k+ moms for strategies that transform daily chaos into calm.

    • Every day deserves a moment of support. Follow me on Instagram for daily encouragement, genuine support & practical strategies that ease the hustle of mom life.
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    15 mins
  • Is This What's Blocking Your Mental-Load Breakthrough? | Unstuck & Unstoppable: Overcoming the Mental Load of Motherhood Pt. 1
    Apr 11 2024

    In This Episode:

    Feeling like you're in a constant cycle of managing, planning, and worrying, without a moment to catch your breath? You're not alone. The mental load of motherhood is real & heavy, leaving many of us feeling like we're just barely keeping our heads above water. But imagine transforming that overwhelm into a sense of control and confidence.

    In this first episode of our three-part series, "Unstuck and Unstoppable," we dive deep into the struggle of the managing the mental load. We'll explore not just what it is, but the hidden blocks & coping mechanisms that, though well-intentioned, often leave us feeling more stuck.

    Tune in to take the first step toward easing the mental load & discovering practical ways to bring intention in your motherhood journey.

    Related Links:

    • Craving a dose of simplicity in your hectic mom life? Subscribe to Everyday Ease—the free, weekly guide trusted by 2k+ moms for strategies that transform daily chaos into calm.

    • Tune in to this related episode: Mom Burnout: Overcoming The Guilt + Overcommitment

    • Every day deserves a moment of support. Follow me on Instagram for daily encouragement, genuine support & practical strategies that ease the hustle of mom life.
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    15 mins
  • Simplify your spring to-do list: A stress-free countdown to summer
    Apr 3 2024

    Feeling like each new season just brings another wave of tasks that get piled on to your to-do list? You're not alone. Spring is especially a time of transition & it can feel like it flies by in the lead up to summer break, it's easy to get sidetracked by the sudden surge of tasks that demand our attention. And if we aren't careful, the weeks ahead can fill up quickly with opportunities & obligations that easily throw us off course.

    In this week's episode, we're doing more than just listing out what to expect; we're diving into how you can stay ahead of the seasonal shifts—without sacrificing your sanity. I'll guide you through a thoughtful exploration of the upcoming weeks, highlighting not only what's on the horizon but how to navigate it with intention and ease.

    By tuning in, you'll gain insights into managing your mental load with strategies that are both manageable & personalized to your family's needs. No more feeling caught off guard by end-of-school year events or holiday planning. It's about crafting a plan that respects your time & honors your personal priorities, ensuring you're not just surviving but thriving as we transition from spring into summer.

    Join me as we simplify the complexity of the coming weeks, helping you to approach this season with confidence and calm. Because at Mom Life Handbook, it's all about making life less about the to-do list & more about enjoying the moments that matter most. 💕

    Related Links:

    • Craving a dose of simplicity in your hectic mom life? Subscribe to Everyday Ease—the free, weekly guide trusted by 2k+ moms for strategies that transform daily chaos into calm.
    • Need to change your family’s closets over for spring? Download 'Effortless Closet Transitions’ to learn my secrets to curating a wardrobe that's streamlined, easy + makes mornings a cinch.
    • Tune in to this related episode: Mom Life Hacks: Reclaim Your Time + Energy with Practical Strategies for Stress Relief & Time Management
    • Every day deserves a moment of support. Follow me on Instagram for daily encouragement, genuine support & practical strategies that ease the hustle of mom life.
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    14 mins
  • Finding your power hours to maximize productivity
    Mar 27 2024

    In This Episode:

    Imagine a day where you glide through tasks, meetings & family time with a calm confidence, knowing you're making the most of your energy without the constant battle against exhaustion or the guilt of unfinished tasks. In the past, you probably tried a gamut of one-size-fits-all productivity hacks, only to end up more overwhelmed & convinced you're just not cut out for this whole "peak productivity" thing.

    But today we're diving deep into discovering your peak productivity times through a straightforward self-audit designed to personalize your approach to productivity once & for all. This isn't about squeezing more into your day; it's about aligning your tasks with your natural energy flows. You'll come away with actionable insights on how to use your high-energy times for productivity and embrace low-energy times as your restorative periods. Plus, we'll tackle what steps to take if "exhausted" feels like your default setting.

    Ending your day feeling accomplished and still having energy left for yourself & your family doesn't have to be a pipe dream. That sense of relief, that peace of knowing you're working with your body, not against it, is closer than you think.

    Join me, and let's take the first step toward turning your most productive hours into your power hours, creating a rhythm to your day that feels as natural as breathing. Welcome to the path of less stress & more living.

    Related Links:

    • Read the show notes
    • Download ‘5 Productivity Secrets for Busy Moms’ for free!
    • Tune in to this related episode: How to Stop Overwhelm With These 5 Power Zones
    • Subscribe to the weekly newsletter
    • Follow on Instagram
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    22 mins
  • 5 Signs your family routines need a refresh
    Feb 28 2024

    As moms, we're often sold the dream of the 'perfect routine'—a magical solution to streamline our busy lives. But let's be real: sticking to these routines can feel near impossible most days. In this episode, we're ditching the one-size-fits-all fantasy & getting practical about what will actually work for you.

    If you're tirelessly tweaking schedules that unravel by breakfast, this episode's for you. We're diving into 5 telltale signs that your current routine isn't cutting it & explore why that "ideal" routine keeps leading to dead ends. More importantly, I'll guide you through how to spot these red flags and make smart, manageable adjustments.

    Life as a mom is dynamic and can't be rigid. It's about adapting, not adhering. So, let's have an honest conversation around what isn't working, reset our expectations, and start shaping routines that actually work for our ever-evolving lives.

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    26 mins